Plot - Response

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Plot - Response allows you to select the type of response presently displayed. In addition to the default of total current density, you may view the x or y component of the current density, the charge density and the heat flux. The response presently selected is displayed on the screen.

Plot - Response - JXY Mag

Select Plot - Response - JXY Mag. to view the total current density. This is the default setting upon opening a current density viewer window.

Plot - Response - JX Mag

Select Plot - Response - JX Mag. to view only the x-component of the current density.

Plot - Response - JY Mag

Select Plot - Response - JY Mag. to view only the y-component of the current density.

Plot  - Response - Charge

Select Plot - Response - Charge to view the charge density of the circuit.

Plot - Response - Heat Flux

Select Plot - Response - Heat Flux to view the heat flux density. This plot provides the dissipated power in Watts/square meter that can be used for thermal analysis.