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This is the Line tab of the Markers page of the Graph Options dialog box.

The settings in this tab affect the appearance of line markers in your plot.

Marker Color: Click on this button to select what color you wish to use for line markers. A Select Color dialog box is opened which allows you to select a color. This color is used for the marker line, and the label when it is displayed.

Marker Weight: This entry controls how thick the line marker is. The higher the number, the thicker the line. You may select a value from 1 to 3; 1 is the default.

Marker Style: This entry controls if the line marker is a solid or dashed line. You may enter a value from 1 to 3. 1 uses a solid line for the marker, 2 uses a dashed line with longer dashes and 3 uses a dashed line with shorter dashes.