Left Axis

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The Left Axis tab of the Axis Properties page of the Graph Options dialog box allows you control the appearance and settings of the Left axis for your graph.

Label: Enter the desired label in the text entry box. This label appears alongside the left axis.

Auto Scale: Set this check box if you wish the axis to be scaled automatically by the software. Automatic scaling disables the Min, Max, and Divisions text entry boxes.

Min: If autoscaling is turned off, this text entry box is enabled. Enter the minimum value which you wish displayed on this axis in this text entry box.

Max: If autoscaling is turned off, this text entry box is enabled. Enter the maximum value which you wish displayed on this axis in this text entry box.

Division: The Interval and Number text entry boxes are enabled when autoscaling is turned off. These two text boxes allow you to define the tics in one of two ways: the interval between tics or the number of tics. When you enter a value in either Division text entry box the other is updated accordingly. If the Use Log10 scale checkbox is selected, then you select a multiple of 10 as the tick interval from the Divisions drop list.

Use Log10 Scale: Select this checkbox if you wish to use a logarithmic scale for your plot.

Tick Labels: Set this check box if you wish the tick labels displayed on the plot.