Export Data

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Selecting File - Export - Data from the main menu of the Current Density Viewer opens the Export Data dialog box which allows you to create an output file in the comma separated values format (.csv) of the plot presently displayed in the Current Density Viewer. The type of data output is dependent on the type of plot you are displaying. For example, if you are displaying Current Density, then Current Density data is output. Likewise, if you are displaying heat flux data, then heat flux data is output.

You may output all the data on your display, a region of your display, or a line of data. Select the desired Export type from the drop list. Note that the controls below the drop list are updated based on the selection you make. The choices and their corresponding controls are explained below

Export Type

Line: Select the Line export type if you wish to output data from a single line of your plot. The line may be vertical or horizontal. Click on the Horizontal radio button to select a horizontal line or the Vertical radio button to select a vertical line. Once you have selected the direction of the line, you may enter the location by editing the Y-position entry box (Horizontal line) or the X-position entry box (Vertical). You may also click on the Mouse button and select the location in your current density plot which you wish to output. Once you click in the plot its position is displayed in the position entry box in this dialog box. The actual data points on the line which are output are controlled by your sample spacing settings; see below for an explanation of the sample spacing settings.

Region: Select the Region export type if you wish to output data from a section of your plot. The section is a rectangle defined by the entries in the Top, Bottom, Left and Right text entry boxes, in the Line Properties section of the dialog box. You may enter these values manually, or click on the mouse button to use your mouse to define the region. After you click on the mouse button, you click on your plot at the desired location for a corner of your region, then drag the mouse to enclose the desired region. When this action is complete, the position entries are updated. The actual data points in the region which are output are controlled by your sample spacing settings; see below for an explanation of the sample spacing settings.

All Data: Select the All Data export type if you wish to export a sampling of the complete plot that is presently displayed. The entries in the Top, Bottom, Left and Right text entry boxes are updated so that the region you are exporting from includes the whole substrate. These values cannot be edited. The actual data points output from your plot are controlled by your sample spacing settings; see below for an explanation of the sample spacing settings. If there is no circuit at any given point in the display, then a value of zero is output for that data point.

Sample Spacing

Sample Spacing controls how many data points are output from the area defined by the Export Type and Line Properties settings. The first data point is always one half of the sample size from the defined edge of the output region or line so that setting the sample spacing to the cell size, or a multiple thereof, places the data points in the interior of a cell rather than an edge. For example, if you have a circuit whose cell size is 1 mil by 1 mil, the first sample will be 0.5 mils from the edge of the output region The next sample will be 0.5 mils plus the sample spacing value. Note that you have sample spacing values for both the x and y direction. Only one of these values is used when outputting a line: Y sample spacing for a vertical line and X sample spacing for a horizontal line. For a region or when outputting All Data, both the X and Y sample spacing is used. The data points will differ by the X sample spacing in the X plane (horizontal) and by the Y sample spacing in the Y plane (vertical).

For example, you have an 8 mil by 8 mil region defined to output data from a circuit with a cell size of 1 mil x 2 mils. Your X sample spacing is 1.0 mil and your Y sample spacing is 2.0 mils. The table below shows the locations (x, y) of the data output points.

0.5, 1.0

1.5, 1.0


3.5, 1.0

4.5, 1.0

5.5, 1.0

6.5, 1.0

7.5, 1.0

0.5, 3.0

1.5, 3.0

2.5, 3.0

3.5, 2.5

4.5, 2.5

5.5, 2.5

6.5, 2.5

7.5, 2.5

0.5, 5.0

1.5, 5.0

2.5, 5.0

3.5, 5.0

4.5, 5.0

5.5, 5.0

6.5, 5.0

7.5, 5.0

0.5, 7.0

1.5, 7.0

2.5, 7.0

3.5, 7.0

4.5, 7.0

5.5, 7.0

6.5, 7.0

7.5, 7.0

NOTE: The number of values being written to the file are displayed underneath the sample spacing inputs.

All Levels: Select this checkbox if you wish to output the specified data points for each metal level of your circuit. If this checkbox is not selected, then the data for only the presently displayed level is output.

Export Raw Data: Select this checkbox if you wish to export the complex data for the specified data points. If this checkbox is cleared, then whatever type of data is presently plotted is output.

Creating the File

Once you have selected which data you wish to output, click on the OK button in the dialog box. A browse window appears which allows you to specify a path name for the output file. When you click on the OK button in the browse window the specified .csv file is created.