Dielectric Library dialog box

Dielectric Editor

This dialog box is opened when you push the Library button in the Dielectric Layers dialog box or the Select Dielectric from Library button in the Dielectric Editor dialog box. This dialog box allows you to select the location of both your global and local library, add new dielectric materials, edit existing dielectrics and delete dielectrics from your libraries.

There are two types of libraries: global and local. The global library would usually be used as a group wide library of standard dielectrics for a group of designers. The default location for the global library is:

Linux: <Sonnet Directory>/data/library where <Sonnet Directory> is the directory in which your Sonnet software is installed.

Windows: <Sonnet App Data>/data/library where <Sonnet App Data> is the location where the Sonnet Application data was installed on your system. To open this folder, select the command Admin => Diagnostics => Explore Sonnet AppData Folder from the main menu of the Sonnet task bar. Please note that this folder is hidden by default, so you will need to use the above command to access the folder.

You may choose to use this location or can save this library in another location. The local library would usually be used as the user's own library of dielectric definitions. This library may be stored in a location of the user's choice. You use this dialog box to add, edit and delete entries to these libraries.

Select which library you wish to use by selecting the My Library radio button or the Global Library radio button. The default setting is My Library. The present contents of the selected library is displayed in the list of dielectrics below these radio buttons. If you wish to look at another library, click on the Specify button next to the radio button to open a browse window which allows you to select another library file.

Add: Click on this button to open the Dielectric Editor dialog box which allows you to define a new dielectric to add to the presently selected library.

Edit: Click on this button to open the Dielectric Editor dialog box which allows you to edit the type and properties of the dielectric presently selected in the library list. To select a dielectric in the library, click on its entry in the list.

Delete: Click on this button to remove the presently selected dielectric from the library. To select a dielectric in the library, click on its entry in the list to the left of this button. If you wish to delete a dielectric layer from your project, you may do so in the Dielectric Layers dialog box.