Gerber Layer Mapping dialog box

Gerber Translator

The Layer Mapping dialog box allows you to map the metal layer in the Gerber file to a specific Sonnet project level. This dialog box is only available when executing a Single File Gerber import. For Multi-Layer and Job File imports, the layer mapping is input in the Netex-G window.

When you are importing a single file, the contents are placed, by default, on metal level 0 in the Sonnet project. If you wish, you may edit the settings of this dialog box to provide a different mapping than the default. You select what Sonnet project level to which to map the Gerber file and the type and material of the objects being mapped. The various fields are described below.

The various fields are described below. The first column refers to the incoming Gerber file. The last four columns are the choices to be used in the Sonnet project editor for the Gerber file identified in the first column.

Gerber Layer Name: This entry defaults to the basename of the Gerber file being imported and may not be edited.

Map: This checkbox is set by default so that the imported Gerber file is mapped to the Sonnet project and may not be edited.

Tech Layer: Enter a name to identify the Technology Layer which is created in the resulting Sonnet project when your circuit is translated. If you do not wish to create a Technology Layer for the Gerber file, select "None" from the drop list. The Gerber file name is used as the default name for the Technology Layer but you may edit the entry and enter a custom name if you desire. The type, level and material used by the Tech Layer are determined by the selections made in the Object Type, Level and Material columns.

If you are importing to a project that contains Technology Layers, the Technology Layers fields are filled in by default, based on the properties of the Tech Layer. For any row which is set to a pre-existing Tech Layer, the Project Editor fields (Object type, Level, and Material) will be fixed to the values set by the corresponding Tech Layer, and may not be changed.

Object Type: This drop list allows you to select what type of object should be input to the Sonnet project. Select Metal for planar metal polygons, Brick for dielectric bricks or Via for via polygons from the drop list. You select or enter the metal type or brick material from the Material drop list. If a Technology Layer is being created, this selection also determines the Technology Layer type: Metal, Brick or Via.

Level: This specifies the level in the Sonnet project where you wish to place the layer being input from the Gerber file. If a Technology Layer is being created, it is assigned to this level. The top level is number 0. For via conversion, you input a range of levels. For example, a via which extends from level 2 upwards to level 0 would be 2-0. A via extending from level 3 to ground would be 3-GND. Note that the project editor creates enough metal levels in the destination project to accommodate any levels entered in this field. For example, if a via level of 2-6 is input, the project will have at least 8 levels (0-GND).

Material: Select the material type you wish to use for the objects being translated. The choices available depend on what type of object is selected in Object type: Metal, Via, or Brick and what materials are available in the template project, if one is being used. You may also edit this entry with a new material name, whose parameters you can later input in the project editor. If a Technology Layer is being created, this is the Material used for the Technology Layer.

For example, if you are importing a Gerber file or files into a project with four defined types of planar metal, you may choose from those four planar metal types for any metal polygons being translated into the Sonnet project.

Next: Click on the Next button to continue the import Gerber process. The Import Options dialog box is opened.