Add/Edit Argument Definition dialog box

Response Viewer - Add/Edit Equation dialog box

Clicking on the Add or Edit button in the Add/Edit Equation dialog box opens the Add/Edit Argument Definition dialog box which allows you to add a new or edit an existing argument to your equation.

Name: Enter the desired name for the argument here. Be aware that you will be using the argument in the body of your equation, so it is recommended that the name be fairly short. The name must consist of only alpha-numeric characters and the first character must be a letter.

Description: Enter a description of the argument here. This allows you to explain the meaning of the argument in detail and enter any important assumptions or constraints which should be kept in mind when using this argument.

Parameters: Select the type of parameters which are permissible for this argument. The selection you make here controls which parameters are available to select for the argument in the Argument Entry dialog box. The choices available are shown in the table below:



S, Y, Z

The user may choose S-, Y- and Z- parameters for the argument


The user may choose only S-parameters for the argument


The user may choose only Y-parameters for the argument


The user may choose only Z-parameters for the argument

S, Y

The user may choose S- and Y- parameters for the argument

S, Z

The user may choose S- and Z- parameters for the argument

Y, Z

The user may choose Y and Z- parameters for the argument

Ports: Select or enter which ports are permissible for this argument. The entry you make here controls which responses are available to select for the argument in the Argument Entry dialog box. You may specify any desired ports by directly editing the entry as long as you use the correct syntax or select a choice in the drop list. The choices available are shown in the table below:




The user may select any combination of ports. For a 4 port circuit the choices would include 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, and 44.


The user may select any parameter whose two port numbers are different. For a 4 port circuit the choices would include 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 34, 41, 42, and 43. 11, 22, 33, and 44 would not be allowed.


The user may select any parameters whose two port numbers are the same. For a 4 port circuit the choices would include 11, 22, 33, and 44.


The user may select any parameter whose two port numbers are 1.


The user may select any parameter whose two port numbers are 1 and 2.


The user may select any parameter whose two port numbers are 2 and 1.


The user may select any parameter whose two port numbers are 2.