Analysis => Setup

Project Editor - Analysis Menu - Analysis Setup Dialog Box

Selecting Analysis => Setup from the project editor main menu opens the Analysis Setup dialog box. This dialog box allows you to set up the parameters for an analysis run by em, the analysis engine. You may choose from a linear frequency sweep, an adaptive sweep (ABS), frequency sweep combinations, a parameter sweep, optimization, or an external frequency file. You may select the run options associated with each type of analysis as well as set up the parameters needed for each type of sweep.

Analysis Control

You select the type of analysis run from the Analysis type drop list. Your choices include Linear Frequency Sweep, Adaptive Sweep (ABS, Frequency Sweep Combinations, Parameter Sweep, Optimization and External Frequency File. If you have purchased and installed the Microwave Office Interface and the project editor was launched from Microwave Office, then the analysis type drop list includes MWOffice Full-Band ABS. The appearance of the dialog box is updated with the appropriate controls for your choice of analysis type. For more detail about each type of analysis, click on the link above.

Run Options for a Geometry Project

Two run options are available in the Analysis Setup dialog box: Compute Current Density and Memory Save.

Compute Current Density: This option outputs current density information for the entire circuit which can be viewed using the Current Density Viewer. This option may only be enabled for Frequency sweeps. If the analysis is a parameter sweep or optimization, this run option is disabled. Be aware that for an adaptive sweep, current density data is only calculated for discrete data points. You should also be aware that calculating current density data can increase the time needed for your analysis.

This option is not available for a DC frequency sweep.

Warning:            If you generate current density data for a geometry, then change the nominal value of a parameter in the circuit, you will receive an error message in the current density viewer since no current density data exists with the parameter set to the new nominal value.

Speed/Memory: Clicking on this button opens the Analysis Speed/Memory Control dialog box which allows you to control the use of how much memory you wish to use in analyzing your circuit, thereby increasing or decreasing the processing time. Using more memory provides a more accurate answer but increases processing time.

Run Options for a Netlist Project

Hierarchy Sweep: Setting this checkbox to on imposes the analysis sweep setup input in this dialog box on all subprojects in the netlist. In other words, the netlist's analysis sweep is used when analyzing a subproject; the analysis sweep input in the subproject is ignored. If this option is off, then the subproject uses the Sweep Use settings input when the project element was added to the netlist.

Geometry and Netlist Project

Advanced: Clicking on this button opens the Advanced Options dialog box. For details about setting advanced options, see the Advanced Options dialog box.