Analysis => Output Files

Project Editor - Analysis Menu - Output Files dialog box

Selecting Analysis => Output Files from the project editor's main menu opens the Output Files dialog box which allows you to generate separate output files in addition to the response data from an analysis that is automatically stored in your project. If you are outputting data from a parameter sweep or optimization, multiple output files are created.

A list of default output files for the project appears in the list box. If no default output files have been defined for this project then the list is empty. To add an output file, click on one of the buttons to the right of the file list: S, Y, Z Parameters, PI Model, N-Coupled Line Model, Broadband Spice or Inductor Model.  Click on the links for more details about specifying each type of output file.

Enter the desired output folder to which you wish to write the output files by selecting a folder from the Output Folder drop list, directly editing the pathname or by clicking on the Browse button to the right to open a Browse window to select the desired output folder. The directory in which your project resides, <Project Folder> is the default destination.

To change the settings for a previously defined entry, select the file by clicking on it. When it is highlighted, click on the Edit button. The appropriate Entry dialog box will appear on your display.

To delete an entry, select the file by clicking on it. When it is highlighted, click on the Delete button. This removes the file from the list.

You may also output your analysis data to a file after completing the analysis by using the Output menu in the response viewer.